New Story

Hey people. I’m back after a long time. Sorry for not being active here.

Lately I’ve been thinking to add more colour to the stories I have to tell. So I thought I’ll tread an extra mile by incorporating pictures.

Here’s my latest story Puddles

Thanks for all the support. I really do appreciate it.

#123 Coffee.

“Meet at Starbucks?”

-“Why don’t you come to my place, we’ll make coffee!”

She was unsure.. first date, online dating match, reasons were many but a rare and special offer.

She chose to go and never needed the app again.


#120 Words.

“Sorry, I don’t believe in love”, said the moody girl lost in her own world of words.

“I just wanted to share the pain that you hide behind your words” he replied.

A tiny tear escaped her eyes.


#117 Poles apart.

“We have so much in common. Yet why isn’t it working out between us?”

-“May be we are too similar to be near to each other. As if we are the ‘like’ poles of the same magnet!”


#105 Teacher.

“Happy Teacher’s Day!”, the teacher rejoiced at the familiar voices at the other end on the phone.

She took pride in herself for not thwarting their discreet high school romance. After all, two families were happy.


#88 Unconditional.

“We can’t raise a family, I won’t even be able to walk myself. Don’t do this to yourself” she pleaded. He replied “Only your limbs have paralysed, not my love”.


#86 Indeed.

As he realised it was just infatuation and not love, she realised it was not infatuation but love indeed!


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