#121 Leak.

“You may think utmost beauty is when it’s out there for everyone to relish. But beauty often lies in the mystery”.

– “Woah..too much philosophy, how many pegs down?”

“Not drunk..just saw the leaked nudes of my favourite model!”


#119 Time.

All she wanted was his time.

All he gave her was his money.

But time is money. What could go wrong?


#117 Poles apart.

“We have so much in common. Yet why isn’t it working out between us?”

-“May be we are too similar to be near to each other. As if we are the ‘like’ poles of the same magnet!”


#113 Lie.

“When was the last time you lied to me?” she asked him, her eyebrows raised.

“Remember I said ‘no’ when you asked if I was sleepy, while you were having severe cramps? I was almost dizzy th..”

That line ended in a passionate kiss!


#110 Waters.

What did the floods take?

– Lives, livelihoods, riches, ego..

What did it leave?

– Humanity, empathy, resilience, will..


#108 Friendship Day.

-“Hey man..how you been?”

-“Sorry.. didn’t quite catch you bro”

-“What? You’ve a terrible memory man!”

-“I honestly don’t remember us hanging out..”

-“Dude..I texted you last year to wish on friendship day!”


#105 Teacher.

“Happy Teacher’s Day!”, the teacher rejoiced at the familiar voices at the other end on the phone.

She took pride in herself for not thwarting their discreet high school romance. After all, two families were happy.


#104 Soulmate.

“How do I trust you? Most of the men I’ve met need a woman just to breed!”, she reasoned.

“I’ll love you the same even when you bleed!”, he replied.


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